S.A.D.D. truth of drunk driving
New club raises awareness for drunk driving prevention
Senior Luke Uhlig raises awareness for drunk driving during pep rally. Senior Mia Obure hands out T-shirts to the crowd.
Drunk driving has affected countless lives. Accidents plague the news and many students know someone directly affected by drunk driving. This year, seniors Luke Uhlig, Allie Anding, and Garret Johnson created the Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD) club to prevent these accidents.
SADD is apart of an Advanced Marketing project, in which students learn project management by partnering with a local business to spread awareness about a certain topic.
“We chose drunk driving because of all the accidents that have happened recently. It felt important to us to try and prevent them,” Anding said.
The students aim to spread awareness and ultimately, prevent drunk driving in high school students. They’ve made t-shirts and posters, and hold meetings every month in sponsor Allison Goodman’s room.
“I think a lot of times, students forget that [drunk driving] is a choice that they make. They need to understand what their options are when they’re making that choice,” Goodman said.
SADD’s next meeting will be on November 20th. At meetings, they create advertisements to spread awareness and plan events, like speaking at the pep rally.
“The pep rally helped us reach out to the entirety of the student body of MN and show them what SADD really is and what we stand for,” Johnson said.
The leaders of SADD plans to keep busy with events like the pep rally. In December, they are planning a fundraiser with the Pancake Man where they plan to spread awareness and share advice to avoid drunk driving. Their meetings are held in sponsor Allison Goodman’s room.
“We want to bring this problem to light for high school students and hopefully get them to avoid [drunk driving],” Johnson said.
The students also plan to partner with Project Extra Mile this spring. With their help, the students aim to focus on preventing students from drunk driving during prom.
“We don’t have definite dates because we have to work with the organization’s schedule, but we have some top-secret plans for the week of prom,” Uhlig said.
The students’ main goal is to keep SADD sustainable so at the end of the year they can pass down their leadership roles down to underclassmen who will keep the group running after they graduate.
“In the wise words of Mr. Begley, ‘Even if it saves one life, it’s all worth it,’” Johnson said.