Rebuilding Media

A fresh start to the various forms of MN media

New entrance, new offices, new hallway, and new computers. Among all the constructional changes in MN from the past year, the significant changes in MN Media have received considerably less attention.

Though it is common knowledge that there have been some recent changes and additions with school related websites and social media, there are many people who don’t fully understand what has changed or why.

The biggest change in school media is the MN website. The original MN school website, supported by school fusion, has been deactivated. Though it can still be found on Google, its main function is to direct viewers to the new website which is supported by Google Sites.

“There are some really good reasons as to why they changed the school’s website. The main one is that Google sites really allows for more flexibility and a lot more personal expression of every single school,” school librarian and curator of MN’s website Stephanie Bardic said.

Now that the school website is supported by Google Sites, the school has the ability to have a two-column layout, upload daily pictures, show the school calendar, and even have a running twitter feed.

One of the most important features, however, is the website’s ability to upload and post videos. Now the morning announcements have completely shifted online and can be found on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays on the MN website.

“The cool thing about it is that Google Sites is relatively new, so they are always coming out with new things that I think will really keep enhancing what we are doing,” Burdic said.

It is both important and a little difficult to find the happy medium between appealing to both the MN student population and the larger Omaha community.

“I want to keep it really fresh, but it also needs to be professional because it’s a really big public relations piece for the school,” Burdic said.

Another piece of MN Media that has undergone some changes is, the Hoofbeat’s online newspaper. Though it has been around for some time, this year the website is being taken to the next level.

Seniors Odochi Akwani and Sarah Hanson have taken responsibility for the Hoofbeat’s website this year.

“The Hoofbeat features all stories that are part of the actual publication as well as shorter online stories throughout the week. It’s a space where people can learn more about the writers as well as see all their work in one place,” Akwani said.

In addition to the modification of school websites, MN’s Twittersphere has also undergone several additions. Principal Brian Begley has created his own Twitter page, @Brian_Begley66.

Joining Superintendent Dr. Jim Sutfin and many other teachers and school administrators, Begley has purposefully made the leap to Twitter.

“I wanted to establish a better communication connection with our community, and I thought creating a Twitter account would be a great way to accomplish this,” Begley said.

In addition to Begley’s Twitter, the MN Activities Twitter has also gained quite a following. The @MNHSActivities account tweets about different notable activities going on around the school, often linking them to, the activities website that updates stories and news about school sports, clubs, and other activities.

Through the improvement of two well-known websites, as well as the addition of Begley’s Twitter account, MN has been able to increase its online presence in a way that furthers its connections to its students and community.

“My main goal is to celebrate our school’s many successes while staying connected to our students, teachers, parents, and community,” Begley said.

