From Student To Teacher

Student teachers get hired for next year at MN

As the year approaches its closing, students become increasingly impatient with anticipation for summer break. However, other students are restless with excitement for school to begin in the fall. A few of  Millard North’s student teachers have secured jobs in the building for the school year of 2018-2019: Ms. Gutierrez and Ms. Williams.

“I had to stop myself from jumping up and down in front of Mr. Begley! My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. I was so excited,” Williams said, as she fondly remembered the moment she was told she had been hired at Millard North.

Both Gutierrez and Williams are Millard Alumni: Ms. Gutierrez from Millard South and Ms. Williams from Millard West. However, the rivalry among Millard high schools did not cause the two student teachers to hesitant when offered a job here at Millard North.

“I was so happy and excited that I got a job before I graduated! It is such a stressful process applying for jobs while you are about to graduate. You want to just get your life settled after graduation, so I was very happy to be hired here,” Gutierrez said, who will be teaching English 9, Honors English 9, and Honors English 10.

Each student teacher’s journey to Millard North shared a similar path: both did not want to become teachers at some point in time.

“Honestly, when I went into college I did not want to teach. My mom had told me when I was growing up I was going to be a teacher, and I said no. Because I was 17 and anything my mom said I was going go do was a no,” Gutierrez said.

However, during Gutierrez’s second year of college, with the assistance of an abundance of aptitude tests, she realized teaching was her calling.

“When a student walks away from a class and says ‘oh, I really enjoyed this book that we read in class.’ If I can get at least one student to remember specifically one story and actively tell you about it that is very rewarding,” Gutierrez said.

In the case of Ms. Williams, who will be teaching Painting, Art Foundations, and Art History, her path to teaching began when she entered college. Yet, she decided to follow her love of ink and become a tattoo apprentice. After a year of dealing with the toxic work environment that comes with the profession, Williams left the industry. She then went back to her initial career choice of education.

“After I left tattooing, I sat there thinking what else I could do. Then it dawned on me: teaching,” Williams said.

When the new school year rolls around in the fall, Ms. Gutierrez and Ms. Williams will be taking over classes which reflect their passions. Even during their short time at Millard North, both student teachers have experienced moments that reassure them that teaching is their passion.

“When it clicks. When somebody is struggling, and I help them think outside the box. Then it is like ‘oh my gosh,’ and they create these amazing works of art,” Williams said when describing the most rewarding parts of teaching.

This upcoming fall will prove to be a change for the better as these young teachers take their next step in life and become professional educators.