Taking a deep breath, senior Kat Beachler cradles the heavy metal orb in her palm, her gaze fixed on the field as she channels years of training and passion into a singular moment. With a pivot of her...
Whether it’s a high school soccer game or an Inter Miami match, the US is passionate about soccer. For some, playing or even coaching is a dream come true. For teacher Sandro Deangelis, it is both. After...
Every year, hundreds of students run the mile in gym class. By the end, all are out of breath and sweating as they cross the finish. Minutes later, jogging stragglers finish, some walking to avoid exhaustion.
In years past, Millard North’s baseball program has gone with the flow. This year, the mentality of the entire team has changed from what was once more relaxed gameplay to serious preparations.
As an athlete, I’ve been injured what feels like hundreds of times. Whether it was my ankle, knee, or shoulder, sometimes it felt like nothing could protect me from the dangers of contact sports.
This season has been one for the books. Varsity girl’s basketball players have put up some impressive stats. As of Jan. 30th the team is ranked 4th in the Omaha World Herald with a season record of 13-5.
The blue mat serves as the border for your control system. Stepping on the surface, your feet tread lightly on the cushioned mats. You zone in your opponent, tuning the rest of the world out. The whistle...
Heart thumping, lungs groaning, and palms sweaty, every muscle in your body begs for rest. But no, there is still time on the clock and points to be scored.
The roar of the crowd fuels the fire of the...
“G, 60…, G, 60…, B, 12…, B, 12...” As you enter the Mustang center, numbers are chanted through the air as the anticipation rises. The tables are filled with people chatting, fiddling with their...
What is a found family? A place where people take care of each other, offer support and show unconditional love. For sophomore Emily Austin, that is the swim and dive team.
On Monday, Aug. 28, Austin...
Elias Pipinos, Front-Page Editor
• December 12, 2023
Every run-of-the-mill, school-affiliated high school sport is met with leniency in assignments, the support of the student body, and triumph as their wins are announced to the school body. A majority of...
It’s your big day, the day that depicts your future. A college scout is in the crowd, analyzing your every move, but your head has to be in the game. Blur out all the distractions, the crowd, the yelling,...