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Home of the Millard North Hoofbeat

MNHS Online

Home of the Millard North Hoofbeat

MNHS Online

Home of the Millard North Hoofbeat

MNHS Online

Re-Fresh-ed Route

Teagan Lynch, Editor-In-Chief October 30, 2023

Four years. Four years of time between the simplicity of middle school and the imminent reality of adulthood. These four years of high school are a time to learn about ourselves, our world, and skills...

A New Formation

Elias Pipinos, Front Page Editor September 25, 2023

On the sidelines of every football and basketball game are our perpetrators of pep - the cheerleaders. With a focus on the crowd’s enjoyment and entertainment, their chants and routines are practiced...

Curriculum: Remolded

Curriculum: Remolded

Mahdis, Riazikhah September 25, 2023

Students in room 1104 paint and draw furiously, their hands cramping and brows furrowing under the approaching deadline. The air in the room is packed with focus and creativity, propelling the artists...

A Solicitous Squad

Mia Castro, New Editor September 25, 2023

You’ve had a bad day. It feels like everything possible has gone wrong. You forgot your laptop at home, woke up late, and your hair’s been frizzy all day. To make matters worse, your friends have been...

The Next Chapter

The Next Chapter

Sarah Robey, Staff Writer September 25, 2023

Pencils, notebooks, and laptops are scattered around tables as students are hard at work. Quiet chatter drifts throughout the cozy space. The library has always been a haven for students to study, conversate,...

Final Finals

Olivia Torrez, Co-Editor-in-Chief July 30, 2023

Standing at the front of the room, the teacher is met with an army of slumped-over, dead-eyed seniors. As if in a hivemind, they all have the same question on their mind: why are we still here? It’s...

Summer Bummer

Callie Menke, Staff Writer July 30, 2023

Summer, the rare moment in a student’s life when they are able to relax, have fun and spend days as they please. Then all of a sudden, wham students nationwide are made to go through with the most demeaning,...

Give a Hand for HOSA

Mia Castro, Staff Writer July 30, 2023

On March 12-14, everywhere around Nebraska, alarm clocks go off as tousled-hair, baggy-eyed, yawning HOSA members from Scottsbluff to Omaha high schools stumble out of bed to prepare for the long-awaited,...

The Dynamic Duo

Emily Schmucker, Staff Writer July 30, 2023

“Coraline discovered the door a little while after they moved into the house.” “Where does the door go?” prompted Coraline.  “Nowhere, dear,” said her Mother. “It has to go somewhere,”...

Mustangs at Market

Natalie Hill, Staff Writer May 16, 2023

A cool, summer breeze blows gently through the air. The voices of customers shopping and sellers working their stands combine to create a steady hum of noise. It’s the Omaha Farmers Market, and for some,...

Behind the Masquerade

Behind the Masquerade

Elias Pipinos, Front Page Editor May 5, 2023

For some Prom attendees, the struggle arises in which dress to buy, or which ties and shoes will best match their date’s. For others, the struggle is in staying up late enough to enjoy the festivities...

Renewing the Old

Cecelia Vlieger, Staff Writer May 5, 2023

In today's age, being tech savvy is not a skill but a requirement. Technology is everywhere, and being left in the dark isn’t an option. As new students roll in, the school is taking a different approach...

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